Our Expanding Human Knowledge
Laurence Cazaly$19.75| /Planning your future?Learn why “Knowledge” is changing the 21st Century faster than life has ever changed before.Learn why more and more people, ev...
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Perspectives on Canadian Marine Fisheries Management
NRC Research Press$51.95| /The 15 papers in this publication describe different management approaches that are being tried in the Arctic, the Atlantic, and the Pacific fisher...
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Petite Flore pour les Longues Fins de Semaine
NRC Research Press$57.95| /A companion for visitors to the countryside on long holiday weekends who are intrigued by the flowers they see but find field guides formidable. Th...
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Phonics for Kevin 1
Lesley Barber$12.00| /Learning all the letters of the alphabet and the sounds that they make, is hard work for some children. Printed letters are arbitrarily assigned a...
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Phonics for Kevin 2
Leslie Barber$12.00| /Learning all the letters of the alphabet and the sounds that they make, is hard work for some children. Printed letters are arbitrarily assigned a...
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Phonics for Kevin 3
Lesley Barber$12.00| /Learning all the letters of the alphabet and the sounds that they make, is hard work for some children. Printed letters are arbitrarily assigned a...
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Physiological Changes Associated with the Diadromous Migration of Salmonids
NRC Research Press$19.95| /The book reviews and discusses present knowledge concerning the diadromous migration of salmonids. It groups elements ranging from ecology to cell ...
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Planning and Performing the Business Impact Assessment (BIA)
Alex A. Fullick$24.99| /“Over the years, Business Continuity Management (BMC) and Disaster Recovery (DR) professionals have encountered numerous issues and concerns with ...
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Plant Adaptation
NRC Research Press$24.95| /The Proceedings of an International Workshop sponsored by the UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research held December 11-13, 2002 in Vanco...
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Plant-parasitic Nematodes in Canada Part 1
Agriculture Canada$4.87| /A large and thriving community of diminutive roundworms, or nematodes, lives within the soils of Canada. A few grams of soil from a garden, lawn, f...
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Playing in the Dirt
Diane Tilden$14.95| /If you ever wanted to grow your own plants from seed but were afraid to try, this is the book for you. The author gives you step by step directions...
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Poplar Culture in North America
NRC Research Press$58.95| /Published on the occasion of the 21st session of the International Poplar Commission in association with The Poplar Council of Canada and the Popla...
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Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region
NRC Research Press$106.95| /Dytiscid beetles comprise a large element within the Canadian fauna yet their identification is difficult for the nonspecialist and the distributio...
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Primer of Dressage Philosophy
Lori Anne Dykeman$24.95| /Primer of Dressage Philosophy,the first book in The Rideable Horse Horsemanship Series, deals with the most important elements for success with hor...
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Proceedings of the SUNY Institute of Technology
NRC Research Press$13.95| /This proceedings is the result of the second Theoretical High Energy Physics conference held at the SUNY Institute of Technology, in conjunction wi...
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Professional Jewellery Appraising: Jewellery Valuation Theory and Practice
Richard Cartier$32.00| /Professional Jewellery Appraising by Richard Cartier is a logically organized and succinct international perspective on gem and jewellery appraisin...
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Provincial Offences Act - Ninth Edition
James Giroux$25.00| /This booklet will provide the reader with selected Acts, Section numbers and wordings used by enforcement officers when completing a Provincial O...
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Pseudo-Māshā’allāh On the Astrolabe- 2 Volume Set
Ron B. Thomson$125.00| /The Pseudo-Māshā’allāh treatise on how to construct and how to use an astrolabe was the most important text during the middle ages dealing with the...
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Psychotherapy: Cure of the Soul
Volumes Publishing$25.00| /For readers from all walks of life who provide spiritual care in a professional or volunteer capacity, Psychotherapy: Cure of the Soul is a much-ne...
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Récolte, préparation et conservation des Insectes, des Acariens et des Araigneés
Agriculture Canada$6.08| /Cet ouvrage est la traduction d'une nouvelle édition de la publication No. 932 D'Agriculture Canada, intitulée Collecting, Preparing and Preserving...
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Refugees: The Modern Context
Judith Colbert$9.95| /nside, you will find... Roots of Understanding - the Language of Migration The Modern Legal Context Differences between Migrants and Refugees Pers...
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Renaissance II - Canadian Creativity
NRC Research Press$20.95| /The book presents speeches, comments, biographical sketches, background information, stories, and recommendations drawn from the Millennium Confere...
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Renaissance II: Créativité
NRC Research Press$19.95| /The book presents speeches, comments, biographical sketches, background information, stories, and recommendations drawn from the Millennium Confere...
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Root Words
Marie McGrath$6.95| /As the root of any word signifies its origin, its character, its nuance, so do the words in these pages capture one person's struggle to solidify r...
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Salmonine Introductions to the Laurentian Great Lakes
NRC Research Press$22.95| /This publication provides an historical review and evaluation of documented ecological effects associated with salmonine introductions to the Laure...
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Science, Agriculture & Food Security
NRC Research Press$31.95| /Issued for the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 1995, this publication deals with technical, economic, s...
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Sea Buckthorn
NRC Research Press$26.95| /The medicinal and nutritional properties of Sea Buckthorn have been recognized for centuries in Europe and Asia but have just begun to generate com...
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Seeing The Light
Richard Cartier$28.00| /This book about understanding optics brings optics theory into the twenty-first century. It is a non-mathematical look at optics in close accord w...
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Selected Topics in Electric and Digital Circuits
Kulvir Kapoor Ph.D.$20.00| /Dr. Kulvir Kapoor received his Ph.D. (Medical Physics) and M.Sc. (Information and System Science) from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada and M.Sc...
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Smaller Order of Insects of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador:
NRC Research Press$36.95| /The Galápagos Islands of Ecuador are world famous for their unique plants and animals, and the hints these gave to Charles Darwin in forming his id...
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T-Shirts — A HIStory and HERitage of Pop Culture
Norma Shephard$24.95| /Got a favorite t-shirt? What makes it special? Did you get it at a rock concert; have it made to promote your business; select it for the graphics?...
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Taxonomy, Evolution, and Biostratigraphy of Conodonts
NRC Research Press$30.95| /Conodonts, the tiny, phosphatic, toothlike remains of an extinct group of early vertebrates, are the most important fossil group for biostratigraph...
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Teaching Plant Anatomy
NRC Research Press$46.95| /This easy-to-follow, full-colour guide was created for instructors teaching plant structure at the high school, college, and university levels. It ...
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Teachings from the Longhouse
Chief Jacob Thomas$23.95| /Chief Jacob Thomas's Teachings from the Longhouse is by far one of the most accessible books I use in teaching college classes about the philosophi...
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The Animal Models
Lawrence Schaeffer$79.99| /Animal models have been the main statistical model for the genetic evaluation of livestock since 1989, although the theory goes back to the mid 196...
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The Anthocoridae of Canada and Alaska
Agriculture Canada$3.89| /The Anthocoridea, or flower bugs, are economically important as a group because they prey on other arthropods. They have, however, received very li...
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The Aradidae of Canada
Agriculture Canada$4.14| /The aradid bugs are known as flat bugs. Their thin body and sombre color are remarkable adaptations for their life under barks; this is especially ...
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The Bark Beetles of Canada and Alaska
Agriculture Canada$6.84| /wo hundred and fourteen species of Scolytidae known or suspected to occur in Canada and Alaska are dealt with in this publication. Also included ar...
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The Canadian System of Soil Classification
NRC Research Press$33.95| /This revised publication replaces The Canadian System of Soil Classification (second edition) published in 1987. The changes incorporated in this c...
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The Carrion Beetles of Canada and Alaska
Agriculture Canada$4.26| /Many kinds of decaying organic materials are microhabitats commonly inhabited by a wide variety of beetles. In these materials, some beetles, such ...
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The Crab Spiders of Canada and Alaska
Agriculture Canada$7.18| /Although there has been sporadic collecting of spiders in Canada for more than a century, the spider fauna is not well known in any part of the cou...
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The Cutworm Moths of Ontario and Quebec
Agriculture Canada$11.68| /The cutworm, or owlet, moths constitute a family belonging to the order Lepidoptera. This order consists of all the moths and butterflies. Cutworm ...
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The Emergence of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
NRC Research Press$82.95| /This publication is an assemblage of selected papers that have been editored or co-editored by D.G. Fredlund. The substance of these papers documen...
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The Families and Subfamilies of Canadian Chalcidoid Wasps
Agriculture Canada$4.87| /The superfamily Chalcidoidea, commonly called chalcids or chalcid flies, is a large group of mostly small parasitic or phytophagous insects within ...
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The Flower Flies of the Subfamily Syrphinae of Canada, Alaska and Greenland
Agriculture Canada$11.17| /The Syrphidae, flower flies or hover flies, are among the most common, most brightly colored and conspicuous, and most frequently collected of Dipt...
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The Genera and Subgenera of the Sawflies of Canada and Alaska
Agriculture Canada$6.61| /Sawflies are exciting first captures of spring. As soon as most of the snow is gone, many sawflies fly over a tan and gray landscape, to be caught ...
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The Genera of Larval Midges of Canada
Agriculture Canada$7.21| /arvae of the family Chironomidae are abundant in most freshwater and semiaquatic habitats, and in some terrestrial, brackish, and saline habitats. ...
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The Genera of the Aphids of Canada
Agriculture Canada$17.62| /The aphids are among the best known of all plant pests. Anyone who has grown plants either in the home or garden is familiar with these insects. Wh...
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