Systematics in Agriculture Canada at Ottawa 1886-1986
W.J. Cody$5.28| /This publication commemorates 100 years of systematics in Agriculture Canada, from 1886 to 1986. James Fletcher inaugurated systematics in the depa...
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Tétreault Pioneers - Legacy of Nation Builders (1861-2007)
Richard Paul Tetreault$69.95| /This book is listed as the third volume even though it is the first completed book in the series. I started the story at the end if you will. Two m...
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The Cistern Rose
Peter McIntyre$12.99| /Writing this story began slowly. I had remembered a cistern which my parents drained. At some point in the past it was the water supply for the sum...
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The Diary of Mary Reynolds
Laurie Morgan$9.99| /The Diary of Mary Reynolds begins in 1902 when a ten-year-old girl and her family leave behind their comfortable life in Stratford, Ontario. They b...
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The Lord Has Helped Us
-$110.00| /The Lord Has Helped Us is the story of Kitchener Gospel Temple. This historical book explains the events of 1908 that resulted in the development o...
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The New Orleans Connection
Colin John Leedale$19.95| /The fascinating story of the connection of Toronto, Canada and New Orleans, through the musicians of both cities and the Toronto fans who have jour...
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The Reinvention of Coley's Toxins
Donald MacAdam$25.95| /Coley’s Toxins were invented in 1893 by Dr. William Coley when hewas 29 years old. In the following 43 years Dr. Coley treated aboutone thousand in...
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The Schoenbrunn Chronicles
Esther and Henry Regehr$20.00| /The exhausted band of Mennonite refugees arriving in the "green hell" of western Paraguay in 1930 could not help but be dismayed. It seemed they ha...
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The Spirit-Minder and Other Stories
Rohini Bharose$20.95| /The stories in this collection are based on the folklore legends and characters that enrich the indigenous mythology of Trinidad and Tobago. Many ...
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The Trial of Louis Riel
Roger E. Salhany$16.95| /Louis David Riel, the founding father of Manitoba and Metis leader in Saskatchewan is one of Canada's most enigmatic historical figures. His contro...
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They Never Surrendered
George MacDonell$19.95| /This is a story about Canada's soldiers who, despite their defeat and capture by the Japanese at Hong Kong in World War II, never gave up and never...
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Sale of winners
Walter Cooke$18.95| /Walter Cooke is a long-time Toronto resident and retired business executive with a penchant for Canadian history. His latest work, o...
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Unholy City
Patrick Brode$15.00| /American reporters touring the downtown were taken aback by the ready availability of gambling spots where bets on horse races or the numbers racke...
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What Was That War All About, Anyway?
Diane and Vincent Barnes$19.00| /War stories are told from many points of view. Some write the horrors of war, some boastful, others braggarts. I have never been a war enthusiast n...
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Whistle Stop Dentist — On The Ontario C.P.R. Dental Car 1931 to 1935
David C. Brownlow$29.95| /Dedicated into service at the end of September 1931, the Ontario C.P.R. Dental Car is shown here in January of 1932 sharing a siding in Northern On...
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William Scott and His Extended Family
Marie Voisin$38.95| /This book is the history of William Scott, the founder of New Hamburg, Ontario and his descendents and extended family. William Scott emigrated fro...
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Your History: Genealogical Resources in Canada, Great Britain, and the United States
Rebecca Herzberg$16.99| /Exlpore YOUR HISTORY by researching your family tree. Discover who your ancestors were and how they lived. Their stories will branch out through ti...
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