James Pringle
James Pringle$14.95| /The security forces of Britain, the United States and Canada along with the help of allies team up in a final attempt to rid the world of the evil ...
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One Step Ahead
James Pringle$14.95| /From remote uninhabited Scottish Islands to London, Liverpool and many major ports and cities we are taken into terrorist camps in fanatical adhere...
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The Aaron Greene Mystery
James Pringle$9.95| /Major Murdo McEwan, an Intelligence Officer attached to the United States Military Police returns to Tampa from Afghanistan a broken, disillusioned...
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The Bridge
James Pringle$9.95| /Major Murdo McEwan, an Army Intelligence Officer with the United States Army is returned from the war-torn theatre in Afghanistan to his home in Ta...
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The Perfect Haven
James Pringle$14.95| /Colonel Chaudry, head of Canada's Maple 4, an elite anti-terrorist division commissioned and answerable to Canada's Prime Minister, has the unenvia...
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