Fueling Your Passion for Sport
Carrie Henderson$11.99| /This workbook will help you learn how to improve your athletic potential through improved nutrition and hydration. There are also practical suggest...
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Genera of the Trichoptera of Canada and Adjoining or Adjacent United States
NRC Research Press$13.95| /With Canada's extensive system of rivers and lakes, it hardly comes as a surprise that the order Trichoptera is well represented in this country. T...
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Géographie et Cartographie 3-5
Chalkboard Publishing$15.99| /Help students develop an understanding and appreciation of different types of maps. Collect maps such as population maps, climate maps topographica...
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Sue Beard$29.95| /The memoirs of George S. MacDonell is a story of the triumph of the human spirit over a sea of misfortunes.His is the story of a teenage soldier wh...
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Grounded: Activity Book
Shirley Hartung$17.99| /This 70 page, in-depth activity book gives detailed instructions as to how it can be used in the classroom including how to tie the story in with t...
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Huron County: Ontario's West Coast
Caoldwell/Fisher/Weir$29.95| /This book compiles many images common to the County of Huron. Images that can take us back to childhood memories and yet reflect our present. Photo...
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Hymenoptera of the World
Agriculture Canada$24.00| /Since the early 1980s, application of biological control methods against insect pests has had a major resurgence. Parasite Hymenoptera are among th...
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Inclusive Playgrounds
Melissa Martz$19.05| /Inclusive Playgrounds: Play for All Childrenwas written to bring awareness what an inclusive playground is, and how they are the wave of the future...
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Judgment in Action
Judith Colbert$29.95| /Think about judgment and its role in your regulatory activities ... tap into the latest international research and practice ... discover how you an...
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Kar-e Sabok Baran
Dr. Farshid Sadatsharifi$35.00| /Lyrical, Intelligent, Provocative, and Delightful: the poems of Hafez have entranced readers for more than six centuries. One of the most notable w...
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Kidding Around
Sue Stephenson$24.95| /An activity-based book for teachers, parents, grandparents and other care providers to use with kids- and even for themselves!Over 40 activities in...
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Kiss the Ground You Walk on, Canada!
George Czerny-Holownia$15.00| /Somebody you know is killing Canada, writes George Czerny-Holownia in his latest book “Kiss The Ground You Walk On, Canada!”“What we have in Canada...
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Late Ordovician articulate brachiopods
NRC Research Press$19.95| /The Late Ordovician Epoch was marked by one of the two greatest global sea-level rises and inundations of the North American paleocontinent during ...
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Le 100e jour d'école
Chalkboard Publishing$14.99| /Celebrate 100 days in 100 ways! This book contains fun and educational activities for 100 days of the year. Great for children in grades K-3!
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Le Systeme Canadien De Classification Des Sols
NRC Research Press$20.95| /This revised publication replaces The Canadian System of Soil Classification (second edition) published in 1987. The changes incorporated in this c...
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Les Fourmis
NRC Research Press$161.95| /This monograph synthesizes an avalanche of new data about ant biology. The most recent update in its field in the past 15 years. The quality of its...
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1
Jeannette Cormier$79.95| /Lire, c’est chouette! Série 1>comprend 10 livrets>est un outil pour apprendre à lire par l’acquisition des voyelles: a, e, i, o, u, é, è, ê&g...
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 1 - Lili
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Lili, une souris, vit sur une île. Tica, le hibou, lui rend visite.
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 2 - Max
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Max, le castor habite sur un lac. Que fait-il pour aider son père qui a mal à la patte?
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 3 - Jojo
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Jojo, le coyote, va sur sa colline favorite. En observant la nature, il découvre une jolie copine.
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 4 - Jena
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Jena, la petite renarde va-t-elle partager les cerises avec son amie Madeline?
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 5 - Hugo
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Hugo, le huard, rencontre Lulu la mystérieuse tortue qui lui donne une plume.
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 6 - Éli
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Éli, un bébé porc-épic a été séparé de son Pépé. Qui vient-il à son secours?
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 7 - Tièry
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Tièry, un petit lièvre tombe dans un piège. Comment va-t-il se libérer?
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 8 - Zilêne
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Zilêne, la guêpe qui a bâti son nid est fatiguée. Elle se repose et rêve.
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 9 - Noé et Théo
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Deux crustacés, un homard et un crabe se cachent d’une sterne. Retrouveront-ils la liberté?
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Livret 10 - Qui est affamé?
Jeannette Cormier$7.99| /Deux bélugas nagent vers la côte, le dîner est servi. Quel trésor!
$7.99| /Sale -
Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Affiches
Jeannette Cormier$15.95| /Cet ensemble comprend: * 10 affiches de lettres et de sons (21,5 cm x 28 cm)* 10 cartes de lettres et de sons (10,75 cm x 14 cm)
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Grand livre 1, Lili
Jeannette Cormier$15.99| /Grand Livre 1Format: 11x17
$15.99| /Sale -
Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Grand livre 2, Max
Jeannette Cormier$15.99| /Grand Livre 2Format: 11x17
$15.99| /Sale -
Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Grand Livre 3, Jojo
Jeannette Cormier$15.99| /Grand Livre 3Format: 11x17
$15.99| /Sale -
Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Grand livre 4, Jena
Jeannette Cormier$15.99| /Grand Livre 4Format 11x17
$15.99| /Sale -
Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Grand livre 5, Hugo
Jeannette Cormier$15.99| /Grand Livre 5Format: 11x17
$15.99| /Sale -
Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Grand livre 6, Éli
Jeannette Cormier$15.99| /Grand Livre 6Format: 11x117
$15.99| /Sale -
Lire, c'est chouette! Série 1 - Grand livre 7, Tièry
Jeannette Cormier$15.99| /Grand Livre 7Format: 11x117
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