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Ministry Context Exploration, Understanding North American Cultures


Ministry Context Exploration outlines ministry research approaches to develop an understanding of the socio-cultural context of North American cultures and to prepare congregations to create contextual messages and ministries.

Central to a study of the socio-cultural context of postmodern North America is an understanding of our culture’s quest for spiritual, personal, and social identity. The fragmentation of our society has created neo-tribalism, a retribalization in our culture that provides a sense of self-identity in terms of spirituality, personhood, and sociality.

This means that ministry leaders must be called to a radical change in the way ministry in conducted and the gospel is shared. We call for the evangelical church to move to an experience-based ministry that emphasizes the supernatural, the church as societal group, ministry programming as a social link, and personal value for the individual. Therefore we define contextuality and demonstrate how to create messages and ministries for postmodern cultures.

Bruce W. Scott is founder and President of Church Growth Resources, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, and creator of the Ministry ToolBox System for ministry professionals needing help in bringing philosophical ideas into focus, and charting a course for the future.</p>

Curtis Watke serves as Resourcing Prepardness Associate on the Readiness Team of the Church Planting Group, North America Mission Board, SBC. His primary work relates to research, missiology, systems, and electronic resources.