The Resonance Model is a quantum theory in which particles and quanta are composed of intrinsic energy and non-collisional phenomena are mediated by the emission-absorption of discrete quanta.
• Gravitational phenomena are mediated by gravitons and electrical phenomena are mediated by quantons.
• Graviton-mediated equations are intuitive and applicable to Newtonian and non-Newtonian gravitation.
• Quanton-mediated equations for particle acceleration produce the correct results and present a quantitative explanation for increase in mass due to increased velocity.<p>
The Resonance Model provides a new and deeper understanding of the fine structure constant, the balance of matter-antimatter, neutral flux (neutrinos), simultaneity, neutron beta decay, mass-energy, mass defect, the nature of photons, the Arago spot, the double-slit experiment, the Zeeman Effect, cyclotron rotation, g-factors, anomalous magnetic moments, the mechanism of resistive and superconducting current, particle acceleration, gyromagnetic properties of particles and isotopes, mechanisms of gravitation, the gravitational resonance of the Milky Way, the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, the birth of galaxies, Doppler redshift, intrinsic redshift, the Hubble constant, cosmic expansion, galactic rotation curves, the cosmic microwave background, and the mechanism of radioactive decay.
• Gravitational phenomena are mediated by gravitons and electrical phenomena are mediated by quantons.
• Graviton-mediated equations are intuitive and applicable to Newtonian and non-Newtonian gravitation.
• Quanton-mediated equations for particle acceleration produce the correct results and present a quantitative explanation for increase in mass due to increased velocity.<p>
The Resonance Model provides a new and deeper understanding of the fine structure constant, the balance of matter-antimatter, neutral flux (neutrinos), simultaneity, neutron beta decay, mass-energy, mass defect, the nature of photons, the Arago spot, the double-slit experiment, the Zeeman Effect, cyclotron rotation, g-factors, anomalous magnetic moments, the mechanism of resistive and superconducting current, particle acceleration, gyromagnetic properties of particles and isotopes, mechanisms of gravitation, the gravitational resonance of the Milky Way, the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, the birth of galaxies, Doppler redshift, intrinsic redshift, the Hubble constant, cosmic expansion, galactic rotation curves, the cosmic microwave background, and the mechanism of radioactive decay.