Pixie the Pony
Beverly Hodge$15.99| /Pixie is a loveable and determined pony who dreams of being a show pony. Despite teasing from her friends she holds true to her dreams. Soon new ...
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Planning and Performing the Business Impact Assessment (BIA)
Alex A. Fullick$24.99| /“Over the years, Business Continuity Management (BMC) and Disaster Recovery (DR) professionals have encountered numerous issues and concerns with ...
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Plant Adaptation
NRC Research Press$24.95| /The Proceedings of an International Workshop sponsored by the UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research held December 11-13, 2002 in Vanco...
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Plant-parasitic Nematodes in Canada Part 1
Agriculture Canada$4.87| /A large and thriving community of diminutive roundworms, or nematodes, lives within the soils of Canada. A few grams of soil from a garden, lawn, f...
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Playing in the Dirt
Diane Tilden$14.95| /If you ever wanted to grow your own plants from seed but were afraid to try, this is the book for you. The author gives you step by step directions...
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Plucky the Persistent Little Hen
Erick Traplin/Maryam Kafi$9.53| /Well I once met a chicken who didn't know how to lay an egg, she tried everything she could, even...
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Poems Created in the Morn
Darryl Gopaul$19.95| /This the fourth book of poems by author Darryl Gopaul. Poems are usually written by speciality writers, but a few authors are able to cross over fr...
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Poems I Wrote on My Smith-Corona in 2020
Elfie Kalfakis$31.00| /Unadulterated and raw, Poems I Wrote on My Smith-Corona in 2020 is a collection of unedited poetry written and typed by Elfie Kalfakis over the cou...
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Poetic Ponderings
Kathryn Robertson$18.00| /Kathryn Robertson's definitive title, Poetic Ponderings, provides a testimonial impact to the adage, "To everything, there is a season". Her poems ...
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Poplar Culture in North America
NRC Research Press$58.95| /Published on the occasion of the 21st session of the International Poplar Commission in association with The Poplar Council of Canada and the Popla...
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Porch Season on Edwin
Shayne Coffin$15.95| /A breakaway to the warmer months of the year with Introspection on an old front porch. Self-analysis and collaboration are made between flesh and b...
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Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of the Nearctic Region
NRC Research Press$106.95| /Dytiscid beetles comprise a large element within the Canadian fauna yet their identification is difficult for the nonspecialist and the distributio...
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Prime Time Series Book 1: Auld Acquaintance
Ruth Hay$15.95| /First in a series of linked novels, Auld Acquaintance is the story of a woman in her 60s who has lost her confidence through life events, including...
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Prime Time Series Book 2: Time Out of Mind
Ruth Hay$15.95| /When two young people from opposite sides of the Atlantic meet accidentally in England's Lake District, Anna Mason finds another piece of the famil...
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Prime Time Series Book 4 - Sand in the Wind
Ruth Hay$15.95| /Sand in the Wind is the fourth book in the series, Prime Time, which began with Anna Masons story in Auld Acquaintance.In this fourth book we see t...
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Prime Time Series Book 5: With This Ring
Ruth Hay$15.95| /The fifth novel in this series examines marriage in all its complexities. Lynn's marriage is in crisis as she contemplates her husband's retirement...
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Prime Time Series Book 6 : The Seas Between Us
Ruth Hay$15.95| /Anna Mason has transformed her life by learning to welcome challenges. With the help of her Samba friends, she has enlarged her existence and found...
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Primer of Dressage Philosophy
Lori Anne Dykeman$24.95| /Primer of Dressage Philosophy,the first book in The Rideable Horse Horsemanship Series, deals with the most important elements for success with hor...
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Princess Annika and the Golden Rule
Murphy/Bogad$9.99| /Princess Annika lives in the Kingdom of Friendly - a place where the people are kind, the weather is fine, and the cookies are abundant and delicio...
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Proceedings of the SUNY Institute of Technology
NRC Research Press$13.95| /This proceedings is the result of the second Theoretical High Energy Physics conference held at the SUNY Institute of Technology, in conjunction wi...
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Professional Jewellery Appraising: Jewellery Valuation Theory and Practice
Richard Cartier$32.00| /Professional Jewellery Appraising by Richard Cartier is a logically organized and succinct international perspective on gem and jewellery appraisin...
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Project Vampire
Donald Millar$15.00| /The fictional hero of the story is a young man who was commissioned as an officer in the Navy, undergoes combat training and indoctrination into Na...
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Promise Kept
Bruce Stock$20.00| /By the time 2025 had come and gone, Canada was stumbling badly. All the international respect and admiration for a middle-class power, that had bee...
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Proverbial Leadership
Stephen Court, Wesley Harris$12.00| /"Ancient future" has emerged during the last decade in the developing post-modern lexicon. The term grows legs between these covers. The famous J...
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