I'm Swimming In The Gene Pool Without A Lifejacket
Ian Barrett$29.95| /I'm Swimming In The Gene Pool Without a Lifejacket; OR 127 Lessons Learned on How to be Happy and Dysfunctional At the Same Time is a light-hearted...
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A Road Well Travelled
David Brohman$30.00| /"You are the author of your own life story." Lorne Brohman has authored a fine life story, thus far. This book, written by his son, David, follows ...
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Hope is My Absolute
Alexandra Tesluk-Gibson$16.00| /What people are saying about Hope is My Absolute...A courageous journey into the heart of one woman's most profoundly life-altering passage.- MaryJ...
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Louis' Journey
Trudy LeBlanc$10.00| /" looks like cancer..."These are the words that started a journey. One that would take Louis, and his family, through the roller coaster r...
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I am Keats as you are
Glenn Peirson$29.95| /Glenn Douglas Peirson was a poet. He was also a skilled physician, accomplished musician, athlete, man of faith, father, brother, son and husband. ...
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The Bitter Journey of Alzheimer's
Nancy Poole$22.00| /Have you ever imagined a nightmare, the kind in which nothing makes sense, everything seems muddled, you do no know where you are, that you are lat...
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Tears of the Firstborn
C.R. Small$21.95| /A heart wrenching and riveting true story of Carol's life, tenderly portrayed in a captivating novel in which she leaned how to cope with bad times...
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My Life in a Trade Union
Vincent Barnes$32.95| /This is the story of a young man coming home from the lazy, regimented, army life to once again find himself working in a grimy welding shop and b...
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My Journey With Lupus
Brenda Inniss-Boston$14.95| /This story is written by Brenda Inniss-Boston about Brenda Inniss-Boston. She survived a coma and escaped death to tell this story about her journe...
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The River Otonabee of My Boyhood
Vincent Barnes$17.99| /Vincent's story, as seen through the eyes of a boy, takes you into his youth during the hard times of the late 1920s and 1930s. He tells of his mot...
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Scenes From My Childhood
Olive Strand$11.95| /You will enjoy Ollie's sense of humour portrayed in "Scenes from my Childhood and Sticky Bits Along the Way". Her stories stem from every day occu...
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Sale of winners
Walter Cooke$18.95| /Walter Cooke is a long-time Toronto resident and retired business executive with a penchant for Canadian history. His latest work, o...
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Finding Heart
Tracy Kelly$24.00| /In 2007, Tracy Kelly had another breakdown. Two years after separating from a ten year marriage and trying to raise a son with Autism on her own (a...
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