Provincial Offences Act - Ninth Edition
James Giroux$25.00| /This booklet will provide the reader with selected Acts, Section numbers and wordings used by enforcement officers when completing a Provincial O...
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Teachings from the Longhouse
Chief Jacob Thomas$23.95| /Chief Jacob Thomas's Teachings from the Longhouse is by far one of the most accessible books I use in teaching college classes about the philosophi...
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Bruce County Map Book: 6th Edition
County of Bruce$14.00| /The Sixth Edition features 1:90,000 scale road maps with larger scale inset maps for each urban area. Roads are illustrated by surface type (paved ...
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Hymenoptera of the World
Agriculture Canada$24.00| /Since the early 1980s, application of biological control methods against insect pests has had a major resurgence. Parasite Hymenoptera are among th...
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Manual of Nearctic Diptera Volume 2
Agriculture Canada$23.68| /The main purpose of the Manual of Nearctic Diptera is to provide a modern, well-illustrated, easily interpretable means for identifying the familie...
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Manual of Nearctic Diptera Volume 1
Agriculture Canada$24.19| /The main purpose of this new Manual of Nearctic Diptera is to provide an up-to-date, well-illustrated, easily interpretable means for identifying t...
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A Handbook to the Ticks of Canada
Biological Survey of Canada$29.95| /Despite their insignificant form and size, ticks are one of the most readily recognized groups of arthropods in Canada. They are repugnant to most ...
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The Canadian System of Soil Classification
NRC Research Press$33.95| /This revised publication replaces The Canadian System of Soil Classification (second edition) published in 1987. The changes incorporated in this c...
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Manual of Central American Diptera: Volume One
NRC Research Press$45.95| /True flies, or Diptera, are an exceedingly diverse and tremendously important group of animals not only because of their impact on human health, bu...
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Manual of Central American Diptera: Volume Two
NRC Research Press$43.95| /True flies, or Diptera, are an exceedingly diverse and tremendously important group of animals not only because of their impact on human health, bu...
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Manual of Nearctic Diptera Volume 3
Agriculture Canada$10.59| /Volumes 1 and 2 of the Manual of Nearctic Diptera were concerned with the anatomy, terminology, and identification of all the known families and ge...
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Flora of the Yukon Territory
NRC Research Press$38.95| /his important work brings the knowledge of the vascular plants of the Yukon Territory up to date. Geology and vegetation are the focus of this well...
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Camp Nursing - Circles of Care
Mary Casey$29.00| /practical, easy-to-use reference for nurses going to work at camps.Advances in medical knowledge and technology, legislation to protect safety and ...
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Teaching Plant Anatomy
NRC Research Press$46.95| /This easy-to-follow, full-colour guide was created for instructors teaching plant structure at the high school, college, and university levels. It ...
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The Orb-Weaving Spiders of Canada & Alaska
NRC Research Press$23.95| /Orb-weaving spiders spin the wheel-shaped webs often seen on dewy mornings in meadows and hedges, or on the walls and the eaves of buildings. This ...
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Birthing the Easy Way
Sheila Stubbs$21.95| /When a woman gives birth easily, is it really just a matter of being one of the “lucky” ones?Absolutely not, says this author! And she should know:...
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Canadian Daily Math Grade 3
Chalkboard Publishing$14.99| /These daily math activities will help reinforce essential math skills with consistent daily practice. Each day of the week focuses on a specific ma...
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The Flower Flies of the Subfamily Syrphinae of Canada, Alaska and Greenland
Agriculture Canada$11.17| /The Syrphidae, flower flies or hover flies, are among the most common, most brightly colored and conspicuous, and most frequently collected of Dipt...
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Molecular Symmetry and Spectroscopy
NRC Research Press$23.95| /This textbook explains the use of the molecular symmetry group in understanding high resolution molecular spectroscopy. The material of the first e...
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Canadian Daily Science: Grade 2
Chalkboard Publishing$15.99| /Provide students with meaningful activities to reinforce their understanding of important science concepts including life systems, structures and m...
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The Lichen Genus Rinodina (Lecanoromycetidae, Physciaceae) in North America, North of Mexico
NRC Research Press$20.00| /This monograph will serve as the primary reference for species of the crustose lichen genus Rinodina in North America. Ninety six species are inclu...
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Lire, c'est chouette! Série 2
Jeannette Cormier$79.95| /Lire, c’est chouette! Série 2>comprend 10 livrets>est un outil pour apprendre à lire par l'acquisition des sons composés: ch, an, on, ou, oi,...
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The Carrion Beetles of Canada and Alaska
Agriculture Canada$4.26| /Many kinds of decaying organic materials are microhabitats commonly inhabited by a wide variety of beetles. In these materials, some beetles, such ...
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The Aradidae of Canada
Agriculture Canada$4.14| /The aradid bugs are known as flat bugs. Their thin body and sombre color are remarkable adaptations for their life under barks; this is especially ...
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