The Gift of God's Name
Christian faith statements present a way to help your faith
grow. Consider this small 65-page book as an open door to
unleash the potential of faith statements into your life.
Inside you will find two sections:
Section 1 explains nine compound names of our God,
given to us within the Hebraic scriptures. Knowing the
meaning of these names helps us to grasp more about
the amazing character and nature of God. This
knowledge draws you closer to God.
Section 2 contains capsulated biblical statements,
showing benefits of the Name of God, focusing on the
finished works of the cross. This booklet approaches the
benefits as ready to be imparted into our lives.
These declarations speak about many fundamental
Christian principles such as the blood of the Lamb, the
infilling of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, walking in the
dominion given to believers through the cross, as well as
the believer's position seated in heavenly places.
If you embrace these faith principles, use this nearly 4000
word declaration to strengthen your faith, and help you to
align with what God designed for you, as a Christian