The God Machine
Alexander Mattinson$25.00| /Nine years following the Battle of Syclaria, the Coalition of Independent Worlds are left to pick up the pieces of a now shattered Universe. THE GR...
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The Alien Queen: Act III of the Grey War Trilogy
Alexander Mattinson$35.00| /The war with THE GREY rages on as the singular entity behind it continues to wreak havoc on unsuspecting worlds in its ceaseless conquest of the Un...
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The Lizard King
Alexander Mattinson$20.00| /THE GREY armies have conquered the Earth. After being vastly outnumbered and outmatched, Humans have had no choice but to find refuge amongst the s...
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The Test of Cade
Alexander Mattinson$15.00| /After the murder of Talos, the Syclarian King, David Cade must face the dreaded incarceration of Fort Autumn. In this gladiatorial arena, he will f...
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The Control Factor
David Haisell$20.00| /Gathering the threads of the myriad aspects of the UFO and other seemingly related ‘paranormal’ phenomena this book weaves together a compelling fa...
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