In casting about for a suitable project to mark the Millennium, students and staff at Plattsville & District Public School decided that their town should have its own cenotaph honoring those from the area who had died while serving in Canada's Armed Forces during World War I and World War II. To that end, the students, from both the Plattsville & District Public School and Plattsville Christian School, raised the funds needed to erect a cenotaph in the park. Some citizens also generously donated.
In keeping with the sentiment behind the cenotaph, and to preserve the memory of those who had served in Canada's wartime military, I thought that a Book of Remembrance recording the names and a brief history of all who served from Plattsville, Bright, Chesterfield and Washington, Ontario would be helpful. The Book provides such information as I have been able to locate for those men and women who served in World War I (1914-1918), World War II (1939-1945), and the Korean conflict (1950-1953).