Somebody you know is killing Canada, writes George Czerny-Holownia in his latest book “Kiss The Ground You Walk On, Canada!”
“What we have in Canada today is a failure by numbers,” writes Czerny-Holownia, who suggests people call him George.
“It's easier,” says this retired newspaperman. He believes the downslide in turn-out of eligible voters, in elections at various levels of government, equates with the death of democracy.
He cites recent cases in which the turn-out of eligible voters dropped to 20 per cent (in York-Simcoe), 34 per cent (in Brampton, Ont.) and 27 per cent (in Mississauga, Ont.).
“The tide has to be turned on voter apathy,” writes George who asserts that many Canadians take too much for granted, including the many freedoms we all enjoy.
“We should be kissing the ground we walk on,” says George, who offers his “A,B,Cs of how to be a better Canadian” in his book.
As part of his focus on how Canadians can be better Canadians, George sought feedback from people across Canada. Their comments appear in “Kiss The Ground You Walk On, Canada!” Among respondents and the only federal government party leader to reply is Elizabeth May of the Green Party.
The Collingwood, (Ont.) writer expands to other topics ranging from philanthropy to “traffic terrorists” and from not losing one's enthusiasm to “border hoppers”. He tells of his concern about secrecy in government and suggests a “Ministry of Getting Things Done”.
An advocate for First Nations' communities which need assistance, he also provides a chronology of communication with federal government representatives as he sought answers to questions about the lack of potable water in some First Nations communities.
Author George Czerny-Holownia has had a number of proud moments in his life. Two are at the top of his list: Getting married to Nancy, now his wife of 50 years. Together raising two wonderful sons, Stephen and Douglas, and now enjoying grandparenting with five grandchildren and two grand-dogs.
Another proud moment on George's list (George is what he prefers you call him) was in 1967 when he became a Canadian citizen. He has a certificate from then-Secretary of State, the late Judy LaMarsh, to prove his citizenship.
Yet another proud moment for George came when he was awarded The Order of Collingwood in 1993 by the Town of Collingwood council.
Having travelled to other countries in the world, George believes that democracy is in danger when people don't take part in Canada's political processes at any level. He is distressed that eligible-voter turn-out has dropped to 20, 27 and 34 per cent in three parts of Canada, while elsewhere approximately one in every two of eligible voters casts a ballot.
George kissed the ground he walked on, upon his return to Canada from overseas, many years ago. He believes we should all kiss the ground we walk on because we have so very much for which to be thankful in Canada. He is concerned that people are losing heart and being frustrated by politicians and politics. But, he believes there is a way forward that will benefit our country if only those who don't vote would take an interest and get involved.
Hence, “Kiss The Ground You Walk On, Canada!” The A,B,Cs of becoming a better Canadian is at our fingertips with this book.