Testing: it's what validates the hard work put into building Business Continuity Plans (BCP), Business Continuity Management (BCM) programs, IT Technology Recovery Plans (IT DRP) and many other aspects of BCM DR. Testing of all types and at all levels, allows individuals and organizations to practice their preparedness, responsiveness and recovery capabilities under controlled circumstances; challenging assumptions, roles, ideas and proactively identifying gaps in plans, processes and protocols. There are tricks to planning and executing tests and all too often, if a test isn't coordinated correctly they can provide an organization with less than desirable results, or worse - a false sense of readiness.
Testing Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans provides helpful tips and tricks and methodologies to allow organizations and test coordinators to plan and execute successful tests. From small table top tests to full scale simulation tests, this book provides guidelines to help record all aspects of a test, such as scope, determination, scenario identification, objectives, participants, execution, right through to reporting the results.
Testing DR and BC plans ensures the organization understands the value of BCM and ensures that when a disaster occurs, all levels of the organization are aware of what needs to happen because they've proactively rehearsed and are better prepared to manage the situation when a real disaster occurs.
They have tested for success!
Testing Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans provides helpful tips and tricks and methodologies to allow organizations and test coordinators to plan and execute successful tests. From small table top tests to full scale simulation tests, this book provides guidelines to help record all aspects of a test, such as scope, determination, scenario identification, objectives, participants, execution, right through to reporting the results.
Testing DR and BC plans ensures the organization understands the value of BCM and ensures that when a disaster occurs, all levels of the organization are aware of what needs to happen because they've proactively rehearsed and are better prepared to manage the situation when a real disaster occurs.
They have tested for success!