I'm Swimming In The Gene Pool Without a Lifejacket; OR 127 Lessons Learned on How to be Happy and Dysfunctional At the Same Time is a light-hearted romp through the the author's maladjusted life. The publication is presented as a humorous, self-help autobiography..or is that an autobiographical, humorous self-help book?
Intuitively, Ian realized that there will be criticism: after all, "only the great, near great, wannabe great and great assholes ever write their autobiographies. And unfortunately, I'm a little closer to the end than the beginning of that last statement."
From the stories of stealing Roy Rogers' gun and being shot before he was size years of age, this self-deprecating book analyses a life that goes downhill from there. There was the hooker who was his first true love; the country' first act of academic terrorism; a father who wanted to drown his only son; cows' heads, eyeballs and maggots; sex and leprosy; in class porno flicks; students with guns; and naked lady cakes. All in all, a happy, dysfunctional life from which lessons must be gleaned.