In an age that threatens our mental as well as our societal health, former drama therapy teacher, Ann Link offers help to those seeking ways of guiding young people.
Her book, “Mirrors From the Heart”, provides practical insights into accessing the powerful energy of emotions to students and their mentors. Through fun activities and creative exercises we can learn to discern our feelings and to communicate their expression using hand signs (ASL), drawings, facial expressions and a moving string. These non-verbal tools facilitate our perceptions of the emotions we show and how those around us are affected before words can confuse the atmosphere.
Her strict conditions needed to build an atmosphere of trust and caring are;
R(respect), U(understanding), L(listen), E(encourage), S(search and discover). These Rules can be used to great effect in any classroom and, when communicated in Sign by teacher or student do not interrupt the flow of a lesson nor humiliate a forgetful person.
Fun reinforcements of each section are key to retaining the advice and the practice of a healthy emotional environment both in the classroom and outside it. For all who have been struggling in relative isolation, learning new ways to be together, to be understood, respected and included will be very important to returning to classrooms.