Saving Angel is a most unusual play in two acts. Three famous people - Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, one of the founders of the Theosophical Society, William Butler Yeats, the great Irish poet and occultist, and Denis Saurat, French critic, essayist, poet and metaphysician - gather in an effort to demonstrate that Angel Shiner, a young woman from Leeds, England, is not insane but divinely inspired.
These three great voices from the past combine to create a sparkling comedy with a sterner moral purpose.
The action takes place in 1891 on Friday, the 8th of May, in Madame Blavatsky's home in Norwood, a suburb of London, and later, on the same day in the padded cell of a private clinic for the mentally disturbed. It is the last day of her life and she chooses to spend it saving Angel.
The young Dr. Edwin Samuels feels that while he was treating Angel for her aberrations, and unethically falling in love with her, he had slipped through a rabbit hole into the Mad Hatter's tea party and that perhaps, after all, they were in Wonderland!
During the fascinating examination of Angel's mental state Madame Blavatsky reminds everyone: 'This is no tea party and we are not in Wonderland.'