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The Gathering Time

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Look for me in the morning... as the sun
Hesitates on the horizon... that moment
Just before it steps forth... strong and proud
Bringing the day.

Hear me... in... the whisper of the wind
The echo of a bird's whistle... the drum of rain
The thunder of waves and storm
A piece of music... the sound of laughter.

Taste me in the crunch... of an apple
The melt... of bittersweet chocolate on your tongue
Bubbles of champagne... the lick of an ice cream cone.

Feel me as your fingers slide on satin... sift through sand
Ruffle... a child's hair... hug someone tight
Kiss a loved one's lips... in passion... love... farewell.

My scent will linger in rose petals... apple pies
Baby talc... French perfume... burning leaves
Lavender spray... lilacs... and... cinnamon buns.

Remember me... when... success eludes you
Failure threatens... heartache humbles
Your body fails... friends betray
A loved one... abandons you

Left... naked... trembling... frightened
Remember me... as you crumple... fold... stretch
To pick up the pieces... of your life
Use the salt of your tears to heal the wounds.

I will be gone... but in the blink of an eye
Memory... will flicker... flame... sear your heart
As your spirit soars... remembering
The Gathering Time.