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My Family Story

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My Family Story records two generations of family life, the first the childhood of the author growing up with his four siblings in a heritage home set in a six acre woodlands on the west coast of British Columbia, the other the author’s own family of four daughters, living in another heritage home in Stratford, Ontario.

Youthful idealism led to leaving the west coast on a mission to remake the world; that idealism was soon tempered by the practical reality of earning a living. Becoming a teacher, the author spent two years teaching in Oshawa, Ontario where he met his future wife.

Following another two years teaching with a travelling high school, Goward and his young bride settled in Stratford to raise a family while teaching at the local high school.

Though separated by many kilometres from his west coast home, strong family ties overcame geographical distance to create an enduring bond across the continent.

My Family Story describes the simple pleasures and rewards of family life.