Major Murdo McEwan, an Intelligence Officer attached to the United States Military Police returns to Tampa from Afghanistan a broken, disillusioned and bitter man. A roadside bomb had shattered his left leg leaving him with a permanent limp. His mental state deteriorates as he attempts to adjust to a different life but he spurns all help from various agencies becoming even angrier at the cards that he has been dealt. Alcohol then becomes his only solace.
Following the death of his father and upon cleaning the attic, he discovers six old grainy photographs showing his grandparents standing on a bridge. The faint writing on the back of the photographs identifies the bridge as being the main bridge that crosses the River Tay linking the villages of Birhan and Dunkeld in Scotland.
Following the suicide death of his mother he reasons that as the mysterious circumstances of his mother's suicide coupled with the mystery surrounding the bridge can only be solved in Scotland, that is where he must go.
His quest for meaning to his life takes several turns as he finds new opportunities to apply his skills as an independent investigator as he establishes himself in Dunkeld.
An unsolved suspicious death in the Glasgow area finds him becoming fully involved in investigative procedures which employs his skills to where he cleverly narrows the field down from several suspects to just one. By using compromising techniques, Murdo McEwan keeps his reader in suspense as he concludes the case.
From a broken disillusioned Intelligence Officer the reader experiences a metamorphosis as Murdo McEwan solves the mystery of who he is and emerges as a man with purpose who once again regains his self confidence as he settles in to a new life in Scotland.
The various twists and turns in this novel make it an exciting read as the murderer is revealed and identified but never faces justice. The reader will remain in suspense until the final page.